Experimental Aircraft Association

No matter what aviation means to you, this is your year-round home for aviation! Read more . .

Young Eagles

Founded in 1992, the Young Eagles program provides youths ages 8–17 with their first free ride in an airplane. Read more . .

Pancake Breakfasts

During the summer months, chapter 1600 hosts a Saturday morning pancake breakfast. Read more . .

Membership Meetings

The chapter holds an evening meeting with presentations, talks or demonstrations. Read more . .

Message from the President


By now, I’m sure you have seen that we have canceled our gathering on March 28 and suspended our summer schedule- at least we have canceled the May16 Pancake Breakfast and Young Eagles Rally for now.

I’m sure you are as disappointed as we are. Our mission is to promote general aviation at all levels, from building to learning how to fly, camaraderie, sharing, and continued learning from each other. We are not here to promote the spreading of any viruses. Today, these are not mutually exclusive. We will continue to monitor the situation to see when and if we can or should lift the suspension on our summer events, etc. We hope to be able to focus on making some improvements to the shelter house in the interim.

Our goal, as always, centers around safety. Safety for our guests, members, and participants. It is with that goal that, that these decisions have been made.

Stay tuned to see if we will have any airport Fly-Ins this summer. We can not and should not be a source for Virus updates. There are enough legitimate resources out there for you.

Looking forward to seeing all of you on the other side of this world wide emergency.

Stay well.

Thank you.

Bernie Rifkin, President
EAA Local Chapter 1600 @ KDLZ