Tuesday,November 12, 2024 7:00PM JetStream Hanger KDLZ will be our election officers meeting. This year the offices of Vice President and Treasurer are up for election. The current holders of this position, Alex Pembroke and George Mellen, respectively, have agreed to stay on. We will still accept nominations and move forward.
I encourage as many of you that can attend, to attend. Many of you, especially the new members, have asked how you can get more involved in the Chapter. This would be great way to get involved.
There are some new positions that I will be proposing at the meeting and will need people to step up to fill them. The main areas are:
-Meeting topic coordinator
-Events Coordinator
For those of you that are builders, especially working with aluminum, I have a project for you to help us out with something in the Shelter house.
I also hope to layout the schedule for next year. This year had it’s challenges, but was still a good year for us overall.
I ask all of you to come out and participate in the planning process.
Light refreshments will be served.
I thank you, in advance, for your participation.
Hope to see you there.
Bernie Rifkin, President