I would like to thank those that came out to our November meeting. The topic and speaker were well received and most of the refreshments went. The remaining cookies were well received by the Staff of Spencer Aviation.
The location worked out great. Wear a sweater.
So to keep the ball rolling, we have a speaker for our Wednesday, December 8th meeting 7:00PM JetStream Hanger @KDLZ
I’m sure some have you have seen the L39 jet at KDLZ or in the sky’s around it.
The owner of that plane has graciously agreed to give a talk for us on his military experience (combat ops), Military Test pilot experience, and his current contract work involving the L39.
Hope to see you there. It’s rumored that some of the refreshments will have an aviation theme.
Bernie Rifkin, President
EAA Local Chapter 1600 @ KDLZ